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1 May, 2024

Ski Resorts With The Lowest Carbon Footprint

Green Ski Resorts

In the breathtaking landscapes of ski resorts in the Alps and beyond, where powdery slopes and majestic peaks beckon adventurers, the concept of preserving the environment might not immediately come to mind. However, the imperative of maintaining a low carbon footprint in these alpine playgrounds is becoming increasingly critical. Ski resorts are not only vulnerable to the effects of climate change but also contribute to it through energy consumption, transportation, and waste generation.

Embracing sustainability in ski resorts is vital for several reasons. Firstly, these resorts heavily rely on consistent snowfall, making them acutely susceptible to the impacts of global warming. Rising temperatures and erratic weather patterns threaten the reliability of snowpack, endangering the very essence of these winter wonderlands.

Moreover, ski resorts often require substantial energy for snowmaking, lighting, heating, and transportation, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. By transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing energy-efficient practices, and promoting responsible transportation options, such as carpooling and public transit, resorts can significantly mitigate their carbon footprint.

Preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity of the surrounding ecosystems is essential for the long-term viability of ski destinations. Adopting sustainable land management practices, protecting wildlife habitats, and minimising waste through recycling and composting initiatives all contribute to the conservation efforts necessary for these delicate mountain ecosystems.

Promoting eco-friendly practices not only benefits the environment but also enhances the overall guest experience. Visitors increasingly seek out destinations that align with their values of environmental stewardship, making sustainability a competitive advantage for ski resorts.

Using data from 'ecollective' regarding the size of a resort's carbon footprint, we've collated the resorts in different countries with the best (lowest) carbon impact (per visitor). You can see the results in the table below. With more date available soon, we hope to continue to update this table with more entries.


Carbon emissions per skier per day (kgCO2e)

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